Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Financial Statements: October
Donor List Published Online
We have published two donor lists on our website. New Building Fund donor list and list of donors who have pledged to give a set amount every month to pay off the loan. You can find the searchable lists under the New Building menu or click here http://fairfieldgurdwara.com/new-building/donor/
Financial Statements: September
GNST New Building Construction Videos
Visit GNST YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnhjcINEpZvYyW24Ib1ByUw
Financial Statements: August
Bylaws of Guru Nanak Sikh Temple (Gurudwara)
Added Amended Gurudwara Bylaws to Gurudwara website, you can find the Bylaws under “About Us” menu.
Special Election Results, August 14, 2022
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh: Today, Guru Nanak Sikh Temple Fairfield had very successful special elections to bring much needed reforms to the Bylaws. Voters overwhelmingly voted YES to approve August 2022 Amendments. Total 726 votes were cast, with 710 YES votes and 16 NO votes. Vote casting and counting was under…
Financial Statements: July
Punjabi School Registration 2022-23
Guru Piari Saadh Sangat Ji: Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! To make our Gurughar general election process simple, honest and to reduce unnecessary conflict, Guru Nanak Sikh Temple management committee has proposed amendments to bylaws in a general election to be held on Sunday, August 14, from 7am to 5pm at Guru…
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