Punjabi School

2023-2024 Session

Punjabi School registration is open from July 31 to August 13, 2023. You can download the registration forms here.

Registration Form 2023-2024

Session will start from August 20, 2023, every Sunday from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. .

We are always in need of volunteers to teach Punjabi, and help with administration of school, and IT related tasks.

High School students can earn volunteer hours while helping our Punjabi School. Here is the Volunteer registration form.

Volunteer/Teacher Form 2023-24


Punjabi School started shortly after the founding of Guru Nanak Sikh Temple. Over the years, school locations continued to change. It started with an offsite location, then moving to Bhai’s residence at Gurughar complex, then moved to big shed, before it found a home in a dedicated portable building since 2017.

Success of this institution was not possible without dedication and commitment of many volunteers contributing countless hours teaching, organizing, and inspiring. Curriculum has included not only teaching of Gurmakhi language, but also Gurmat education and Sikh history.  The result of this sustained effort has benefited our community as hundreds of kids remained in touch with their culture and achieved great success in wider American society.

Current Syllabus

Punjabi School is currently using a hybrid education platform that includes in person classes and online component for flexibility and remote learning. The program is developed by Sikhya Academy which uses Schoology’s online platform.

Students range from beginners to who are advanced in their knowledge of Punjabi.  Minimum age for admission is 5 year old.  We also accept adult students.

The classes are held every Sunday afternoon from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm at the Guru Nanak Sikh Temple, Fairfield.

Contact Us

email: gnstpunjabischool@gmail.com